Friday, February 22, 2008

Decades of music

I just finished listening to a great podcast
the majority of which was devoted to 80's music. Near the end one of the show hosts gave his opinion of people who lived during the 80s but didn't think there was any good music. He called them losers. (Or was it posers?)

Maybe I am a loser but not because I didn't like the music of the decade. Honestly I really only like music from the 1970's (disco excepted) and earlier. Weird Al may be my one true exception. The music of the 80s does give me feelings of nostalgia but the memories aren't always good.

So I asked myself what is behind my hatred of music of certain eras. And here is what I came up with. During the 80s I was treated like crap. I went through junior high and high school and I was teased mercilessly. When I did have a boyfriend he was sleeping around with my (at the time) best friend. Then I roll forward to the 90s. My husband was sleeping with my (at the time) best friend.

Now, I didn't know these things were happening until after the fact. But I can definitely see how this would cloud my judgment.

If I look back I have positive, fuzzy memories of my childhood so the music of that time holds more for me than subsequent decades. And I have no negative thoughts of the time before I was born so there is nothing to taint it for me. Sure, there was that pesky war in Vietnam and even the Korean conflict and WWII but these didn't adversely affect me personally. And the music then romanticized war or flat out protested it.

I don't know if any of this means anything but it's how I feel tonight.

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